What are a Father’s Rights During a Divorce in Utah?

fathers rights during divorce

Divorce is a challenging ordeal that affects every member of a family, but fathers may feel anxious about their rights and roles moving forward. We understand these concerns, and we’re here to clarify and advocate for your rights as a father. Understanding Your Legal Rights Fathers have equal rights to mothers under Utah law when […]

Recordings of Children – Can They Be Used as Evidence in Court?

recordings of children in court

As a firm specializing in family law, our practice frequently deals with cases involving children, which can range from divorce and custody disputes to matters involving child support and adoption. These cases cause emotions to run high, and it is not uncommon for our clients to consider using recordings of children as a means of […]

Guardians ad Litem in Utah Family Law: Understanding their Essential Role

Guardians ad Litem

“It is the Guardians ad Litem duty to stand in the shoes of the child and to weigh the factors as the child would weigh them if his judgment were mature and he was not of tender years.” – J.W.F v. Schoolcraft, 763 P.2d 1217, 1222 (Utah Ct. App. 1988) In Utah family law, Guardians […]

Enforcing Orders: Custody or Parent-Time – Effective Strategies and Legal Steps

Enforcing orders, like custody and parent-time orders, can be challenging and complex, especially during times of disagreement or non-compliance by either parent. It is crucial for all involved parties to remember that the orders given are not mere suggestions, but legally binding directives that must be followed to ensure the well-being and of the children […]

Does remarriage affect child support?

Overview of Child Support Obligations and Factors Considered in its Calculation: In family law, changing circumstances often arise which can affect previously established decrees, specifically in child support agreements. One common scenario that we often encounter involves a parent’s remarriage, which can prompt our clients to question whether this can serve as grounds for modifying […]

Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights? A Comprehensive Guide for Grandparents

In Utah, grandparents can hold some significant legal rights when it comes to securing visitation with their grandchildren. Understanding these rights, as outlined in Utah Code 30-5-2, is essential for maintaining meaningful connections within the family. In this guide, we will outline the legal procedures governing grandparent visitation in Utah, offering insights for navigating this […]

Understanding Annulments vs. Divorces: What Happens in Vegas, But Ends in Utah

Annulments vs. Divorces Case Study: Scott and Suzie’s Vegas Romance *Scott and Suzie’s love story began in the glittering lights of Las Vegas, where they met during an unforgettable weekend getaway. After a whirlwind of blackjack, cocktails, and Elvis impersonators, they found themselves saying “I do” in an impromptu ceremony at a Little White Chapel. […]

Navigating Post-Divorce Modifications in Utah

At Christensen Law, we understand that divorce is more than just a legal process—it’s a deeply personal journey marked by both challenges and opportunities for growth for families. As seasoned family law attorneys, we’ve walked alongside countless clients through the ups and downs of divorce proceedings, offering support and expert guidance every step of the […]