Nuisance Claims in Utah: What Qualifies as a Nuisance?

nuisance claims

Imagine settling down for a peaceful evening at home after a long day of work, only to be disrupted by the deafening sounds of your neighbor’s nightly garage band rehearsals. As the drumbeats shake your walls, you wonder what can be done to restore your hard-earned peace. One effective legal recourse in situations like this is filing a nuisance claim. In Utah, the laws surrounding nuisance claims are designed to protect individuals from unreasonable disturbances.

Understanding Nuisance Claims

According to Utah Code § 78B-6-1101, nuisances are defined as any activity or condition that is injurious to health, indecent, offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property, thus interfering with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property.

In Utah, nuisances can be classified as public or private, with the law providing remedies to cease or limit the disturbance.

1. Private Nuisance

A private nuisance affects a single individual or a select few. For example, if a neighbor’s loud parties disrupt your sleep every weekend, this could constitute a private nuisance. Under Utah law, private nuisances typically include:

  • Noise: Loud music, constant yelling, or other disruptive sounds that interfere with your ability to enjoy your property.
  • Odors: Persistent smells that are unpleasant and disruptive, such as garbage, sewage, or chemical fumes.
  • Light: Excessive light that intrudes into your home, such as a neighbor’s floodlights that shine directly into your bedroom window.
  • Physical Invasion: Encroachments like overhanging tree branches or construction debris on your property that affect its use or enjoyment.
2. Public Nuisance

A public nuisance affects a larger community or the public in general and usually involves legal action by city or government officials. In Utah, public nuisances are activities or conditions that interfere with the community’s health, safety, peace, or convenience. Examples include:

  • Obstructions in public roadways or sidewalks that hinder daily movement.
  • Pollution: Activities that contaminate the air, water, or land used by the public, affecting the environment and public health.
  • Illegal Activities: Actions like drug trafficking or gambling that affect community safety and well-being.

Legal Remedies in Utah

If you’re facing a nuisance, Utah law offers several remedies:

1. Cease and Desist

The first step in most nuisance claims is often a cease-and-desist letter, which is a formal request to halt the offending activity.

2. Damages

If the nuisance has caused you significant harm or loss (such as property damage or decreased property value), you may be able to recover monetary damages. Utah courts may award compensation for personal inconvenience, discomfort, or even emotional distress caused by the nuisance.

3. Injunctions

In severe cases, you might seek an injunction from a court to permanently prohibit the nuisance activity. This legal action requires the offending party to stop the activity or remove the nuisance condition entirely.

How to File a Nuisance Claim in Utah

To successfully file a nuisance claim, follow these steps:

1. Document the Nuisance
  • Keep detailed records of the nuisance, including photos, videos, and notes on dates and times. Documentation strengthens your case and provides evidence of the nuisance’s impact.
2. Talk to Your Neighbor
  • Direct communication can often resolve issues before legal actions are necessary. Discussing the problem amicably may lead to a mutual understanding and resolution.
3. Consult with an Attorney
  • A knowledgeable attorney can offer advice on the viability of your claim and the best course of action. They can help you understand the legal standards in Utah and guide you through the process.
4. File a Complaint
  • If informal resolutions fail, your attorney can help you file a formal complaint in court. This involves presenting your evidence and requesting legal remedies from the court.


Nuisance claims in Utah serve to protect residents from unreasonable disturbances that impede their quality of life. Understanding the types of nuisances and available legal remedies allows you to restore peace and enjoyment to your property.

Are you dealing with a potential nuisance situation? Contact Christensen Law today for expert advice and representation to ensure your property rights are respected and upheld.