Stalking Injunctions

In today’s interconnected world, the threat of stalking and harassment can profoundly disrupt lives. We understand the serious impact these threats can have on individuals and their loved ones. 

If you’re experiencing persistent stalking behaviors—whether unwanted contact, following, threats, intrusion, harassment, surveillance, or online stalking—a stalking injunction can be a vital pathway to safety.

What is a Stalking Injunction?

A stalking injunction, similar to a protective order or restraining order, is a legal tool issued by the court to shield individuals from unwanted and potentially dangerous behaviors. It establishes clear legal boundaries, aiming to prevent further harassment or intimidation.

How to Obtain a Stalking Injunction

  1. Initiate the Process:
    Begin by filing a petition with the appropriate court. Our legal team will prepare all necessary documentation to set the stage for a successful legal proceeding.
  2. Court Hearing:
    If a hearing is required, our attorneys will present the evidence of stalking behavior and articulate the need for legal intervention on your behalf, increasing the chances of obtaining a favorable ruling.
  3. Issuance of the Injunction:
    Upon a positive court decision, a stalking injunction is issued against the perpetrator, outlining specific prohibitions designed to protect your well-being.
  4. Enforcement and Support:
    If the injunction is violated, our legal team takes will take action to ensure your safety and hold the perpetrator accountable.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a stalking injunction and a protective order?
  • While both provide protection from unwanted behaviors, a stalking injunction specifically targets behaviors that involve following, monitoring, or harassing, without the need for a prior relationship between the victim and perpetrator. A protective order generally applies to cases involving domestic violence or intimate relationships.
How long does it take to get a stalking injunction in Utah?
  • The timeline can vary, but our team will work efficiently to expedite the process and provide prompt protection. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the court’s schedule and the specifics of your case.
Can a stalking injunction be enforced if the perpetrator lives in another state?
  • Yes, stalking injunctions can be enforced across state lines under federal law. We will ensure your injunction is recognized and upheld, even if the perpetrator is in another state.
What should I do if my stalking injunction is violated?
  • If the perpetrator violates the injunction, contact law enforcement immediately. We will also provide guidance and take legal action to ensure the perpetrator is held accountable.
Are stalking injunctions public records?
  • Yes, stalking injunctions are typically a matter of public record. However, the specifics of your case may be kept confidential, especially in situations involving minors or sensitive information.

Contact Us Today

We are committed to helping you reclaim your sense of safety and peace. If you or someone you love is experiencing stalking or harassment, don’t wait to seek help. Contact us today to begin your path to protection and peace of mind.

Request Your Consultation

Submit your details, and we’ll arrange a no-obligation consultation with one of our attorneys at a time that works for you. Please note that we cannot offer free legal aid.