Military Divorce in Salt Lake City, Utah

In cases where a divorce involves a military member, it is often informally referred to as a “Military Divorce.” It’s important to note that while no distinct legal category exists for such proceedings, the unique challenges faced by military personnel necessitate specialized legal guidance.

Why do you need a specialized attorney?

Expertise in Military Family Law

Military divorces introduce unique complexities not commonly found in civilian proceedings. These include custody arrangements and the division of military pensions that require the expertise of an attorney well-versed in military family law.

Custody and Parent-Time Agreements

Deployments and relocations are common in military life, affecting custody and visitation arrangements significantly. An experienced military divorce attorney can help formulate a parenting plan that respects the demands of military service while safeguarding children’s interests.

Key Issues in Military Divorce

Division of Military Retirement Benefits

The distribution of military retirement benefits is notably intricate, involving precise calculations and legal knowledge. A skilled attorney ensures that these assets are divided fairly and in accordance with legal standards.

Emotional and Legal Support During Your Divorce

The emotional weight of a military divorce, compounded by the pressures of military duties, requires a compassionate legal approach. Choosing an attorney experienced in military divorces means having support that extends beyond mere legal advice, offering empathy and understanding through trying times.

Contact Christensen Law Today

If you’re facing a military divorce, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Contact us today by calling (801) 303-5800 or utilize our online contact form to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced military divorce attorneys. With the right support, you can navigate this challenging time with confidence and look toward a brighter future.

Resources for Military Families